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Boom for Business Live: Culture Clash Blooper Night


Join this Boom for Business Live and Ravecruitment event for an interactive evening for internationals and newcomers about mistakes and lessons that come from those uncomfortable intercultural exchanges.

Internationals and newcomers:
In the past 10 years, about 100,000 highly skilled migrants have come to the Netherlands (source CBS). Research indicates that 8 out of 10 of this group (source Intelligence Group) want to settle permanently in the Netherlands. This concerns a definitive new group of highly educated newcomers with specific wishes, ambitions and regulations. This requires extra knowledge, new networks and additional insights about work, housing, living, friends and cultural aspects. That is why this event is aimed at this target group, because migration and integration is better with a laugh!

Cultural Clash Blooper Night
Part stand-up comedy, part quiz and part storytelling, Pep Rosenfeld hosts an evening of hilarious bloopers and eye-opening insights. Intercultural Communication expert Annette van der Feltz will share her perspective on the cultural framework that is the cause of these unfortunate yet funny miscommunications. The charming and sharp Matt Castellvi will add energy and even more laughs with comedy intermezzos. The topics are themed around work, family, friends and housing. This fun and funny evening is for everyone who works with international companies in the Netherlands. And their partners!

17:00: Arrive, snacks and drinks
17:30: Program in the theater
18:45: Drinks and socializing

This event takes place at Boom Chicago on the Rozengracht (Rozengracht 117, Amsterdam).