A completely improvised comedy show based on true, funny stories from Boom Chicago cast members. Those stories turn into great scenes and hysterical songs right before your eyes! You won’t believe it’s improvised! Long form improv at its finest!
General Admission
€ 27,50
General Admission Student/CJP
Valid with Student ID or CJP card
€ 19,95
Academy Students
For Boom Chicago Academy Students
€ 8
Improv Spectacular: International Women’s Day Edition!
Celebrate the brilliance of women in comedy during our special International Women’s Day show at Boom Chicago! Join us for an awesome evening featuring Amsterdam’s best female comedians, including Stacey Smith, Katie Nixon, Raquel Palmas, and more!
This fast-paced funny night features our top cast making you (and themselves) laugh while waiters bring drinks to your table. The evening starts with short-form improv and games with rules, bells, and lots of audience suggestions. We need a job and a movie-style! Ding. Let’s go!