A completely improvised comedy show based on true, funny stories from Boom Chicago cast members. Those stories turn into great scenes and hysterical songs right before your eyes! You won’t believe it’s improvised! Long form improv at its finest!
Quick Details
Early Bird tickets
€ 14.50
Academy Student Ticket
General Admission
€ 6
CJP Seat
General Admission
€ 15
Academy Student
General Admission
€ 17,50
General Admission
€ 22,50
VIB Seat
Very Important Butts
€ 27
For Two
€ 79
4 for 3 deal general admission
Buy 3 tickets and get the fourth one free!
€ 67,50
4 for 3 deal VIB seats
Buy 3 tickets and get the fourth one free!
€ 81
#LastChance – Haven’t seen Sitcom yet? Now is your chance!
Closing shows of Sitcom are Feb 3 & 4 @ 19:30
Sitcom, Boom Chicago’s hysterical new comedy show, is a throwback to the 90s when any TV problem could be solved in a half an hour… including the commercials. You know the format: a group of (beautiful) friends hung out in the same locations and got into realistically unrealistic situations. Cameras captured the action and the ‘live studio audience’ knew when to laugh, applause and go ooooh. Boom Chicago celebrates the glory days of the 1990s from which these iconic sitcoms came! Come enjoy the music, fashion and news from a simpler era of Friends, het Zonnetje in Huis and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. As a finale, each night, together with the audience, the actors will create a brand new Sitcom and shoot a short pilot episode.
In the process, we will try to figure out why these shows have enduring appeal. Is it nostalgia for a simpler time before 9/11? Is it a nice escapism when everything resets each week to how it was? Or do we just lower standards? In any case Sitcom, like its 90s inspirations, will be a lot of fun. #The90sWillNeverDie
Artistic Director Andrew Moskos’ new project follows on the footsteps of 2019’s The Future is Here…And it is Slightly Annoying and 2018’s Bango! which tackled themes of artificial intelligence and long form improvisation. He is also directing a new political comedy in 2020 for the US presidential elections, following Boom Chicago’s 2016 longest running hit Trump Up the Volume.
Sitcom is written by and stars Matt Castellvi, Simon Feilder, Lizz Kemery, Simon Lukacs, and Stacey Smith. Light and sound tech design plus live technical improvisation comes from Emil Struijker-Boudier. Musical production and live improvisational accompaniment by Sacha Hoedemaker.
Safe seating, drinking and mask use in the theater
Masks are required while entering and walking through the theater. At your table, you may take your mask off and enjoy the show and drink. We seat parties with space between groups. On the balcony, there are shields between most parties. Please follow our one way traffic in and out of the theater and balcony.