A completely improvised comedy show based on true, funny stories from Boom Chicago cast members. Those stories turn into great scenes and hysterical songs right before your eyes! You won’t believe it’s improvised! Long form improv at its finest!
Quick Details
General Admission: €36
VIP Admission: €46
Serious Time Pass Films is super happy to announce our second show with india’s best stand up comedian Zakir Khan.
After two massively successful two specials, Haq Se Single (2017) and Kaksha Gyarvi (2021),After selling out 100,000+ tickets across the globe Zakir Khan is on the road once again with his latest stand up show. Zakir Khan has the ability to highlight comic elements in everyday life and is known for his “uniquely Indian” style of comedy, which involves him impeccably catching on to the emotions that are common to every Indian household.
Catch the sakth launda himself, Zakir Khan Live on 20th November at Boom Chicago, Amsterdam at 6:30 PM!
UPDATE: Because of the popularity of the show, there will be a second show at 3 PM on 20th November!